Airline workers face job hazards daily, many of which can lead to work-related injuries. If you have been
injured on the job working for an airline company, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
Obtaining benefits can be complex — it requires a comprehensive knowledge of the legal process. Workers’ compensation claims in the airline industry are further complicated as employees are entitled to a combination of benefits under workers’ compensation law as well as compensation under the terms
of their union contracts.
Partnering with a skilled lawyer who will represent your interests will ensure that you have the greatest
chance of receiving and maximizing benefits.
California Lawyers for Jet Fuel Exposure Injuries
Our attorneys at Leviton Diaz & Ginocchio have handled numerous workers’ compensation claims for injured airline workers. One of our senior counsel attorneys, Modesto Diaz, worked as an aircraft
mechanic for eight years and spent another eight working as a business agent representing aircraft mechanics, ramp service employees, dining service employees, electricians, ticket agents and ground service representatives. As such, he has a complete understanding of these cases. We can work on nearly any airline-related injury, including:
- Flight attendants: back injuries related to turbulence, shoulder and back injuries related to lifting baggage into overhead compartments
- Baggage handlers: back, shoulder and knee injuries from lifting baggage to and from carts and conveyor belts
- Ground service: acute injuries from providing maintenance services for planes and other equipment
- Office workers: repetitive trauma injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome from working on the computer for long hours
- Runway workers: jet fuel injuries, hearing damage, back and neck injuries
Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss California aircraft injuries, including aircraft mechanic injuries.