CTE is a complex medical condition that can manifest in many ways. For example, some people develop this condition after sustaining multiple traumatic brain injuries, while others may display symptoms of CTE after just one significant brain injury. Some of the most reported causes of CTE that lead to workers’ compensation claims in California include:
Whenever an employee sustains a slip and fall and hits their head, they can suffer a concussion. Over time, they may develop symptoms of CTE, especially if they have a history of multiple concussions.
Some industries, such as construction, are inherently hazardous for many reasons. Many construction workers suffer head injuries from objects falling and hitting their heads. Even when appropriate hard hats are worn, victims may suffer concussions and develop symptoms of CTE.
Professional athletes often suffer traumatic brain injuries during practice sessions and official games. CTE was previously known as “punch drunk” syndrome and dementia pugilistica due to the condition’s prevalence among professional boxers. Today, these terms are no longer widely used because so many other athletes are vulnerable to developing CTE.
Anyone who drives a vehicle as one of their primary job duties always risks experiencing motor vehicle accidents. Traumatic brain injuries are common in vehicle accidents, and the more accidents a person has, the more likely they would be to develop symptoms of CTE.